Durtlang Leitan Ramthar veng nula, Maria Lalrinmawi-i’nNorth Eastern Hill University NEHU a\angin Law-ah Doctorate Degree a hmu a, Mizo zingah dan zirna lama Doctorate degree nei hmasa ber a ni.


Hemi atana hriattirna hi nimin khan NEHU chuan a tichhuak a. Zonet thudawn danin, Pu C. Roenga fanu, Maria Lalrinmawii thesis hi – “Consumer Protection Law in India : Astudy with Special References to the State of Mizoram” tih a ni. Maria Lalrinmawii hian LLB chu NEHU a\angin 1st Division-ah a pass a, hemi hnu hian Mysore-a JSS Law College a\angin LLM chu 1st Division-ah a pass leh a ni.