Sorkar-in Mizoram (Election to Sinlung Hills Development Council) Rules, 2017 pawm


CM, Pu Lal Thanhawla hova nimina Council of Ministers thu khawm chuan, Mizoram (Election to Sinlung Hills Development Council) Rules, 2017 a pawm a. Thu ngaihtuah atana chhawp chhuah 12 zinga 10 a pawmte zingah The Draft Mizoram State Commission for Protection of Child Right Rules, 2017, Commerce & Industries Department-a Joint Director (Accounts) Post chu Mizoram Finances & Account Service a dah rawtna, Mizoram State Legal Services Authority-a hna thar 38 siam thar rawtna, Mizoram State Legal Services Authority (Ammendment) Regulation, 2017, Mizoram Police Service-a Junior Administrative Grade leh Selection Grade-te hna chanpual siksawi rawtna, Vairengtea MIFCO ram, Police Station hmun atana pek then rawtna, Agriculture leh Social Welfare Department-in tum khat atana Mizoram Regularization of Contract Employees Scheme, 2008 thlah dul an dilna leh PHE-in dan thar a duan, Draft Standard Bidding Document (for procurement of works contract in 2 Bid System) te a tel a ni. Council of Ministers hi nimin tlai dar 3 atang khan New Secretariat Complex-a Chief Secretary Conference Room-ah an thu khawm a ni.